
Stop judging me, squirrel.

I went to the grocery store after I finished with my rotation today. Here's what I bought:

My salt squirrel is totally giving me the eye.

Beer, butter, and baking stuff. Food priorities. Oi.

In other news, I'm trying to make progress on my "do something neat" goal. To paraphrase NPH as Barney, I'm going to stop being lame and start being awesome (true story). I've started a book list which has quickly morphed into a list of classic literature that I haven't read. Books on the list include The Sound and the Fury and Of Mice and Men; since I now have a library card, I want to make it through the list by the end of the school year. I figure it'll give me something totally different to focus on than SCIENCE! and furry things.

Nerdily slightly-awesome?

I also signed up to busk at the local farmer's market. I did this a few weekends in the Old Market when I lived in Omaha, but it's been a while. It should be pretty fun and hopefully will earn me a few dollars in the process.

DFTBA, kids.


  1. I approve of your purchases. I most recently bought Pete's Wicked Ale to try...if you've never had that beer, you should see if you can buy it sometime. It was mighty tasty. Also, I love that I turned you into a nerdfighter. :) I hope you're having a good week!

  2. I remember reading The Sound and the Fury in high school...but maybe it was in Brit Lit and maybe you didn't take that...
