
I am a pathetic human being.

I was planning on writing this on Saturday; since then I have become slightly less pathetic.

Reason #1: I sat at a bar by myself for roughly 45 minutes.

I thought I was showing up fashionably late. "Fashionably late" has been redefined, apparently. The incredibly late shuttle that everyone else was taking to the bar didn't help either.

Reason #2: I went to a beer expo alone.

No one else was going that early, and I wanted to try some different craft beers before I went to dinner and a movie with some people from my class. It actually turned out to be an interesting experience; I ended up talking to two older gentlemen who were having a "save the world" weekend. They asked me what I would do to better the world, a conversation which diverted into tangents such as whether or not humans are still evolving and if we are turning into an infantile "instant gratification" society (have you read Brave New World?) and what role the media has in this. It wasn't quite the beer-drinking experience I had in mind, but it was enjoyable and one of the most interesting conversations I've had in a very long time.

Reason #3: I haven't had a date in two years.

Pity dates: I'll take 'em.

That was my Friday night and Saturday afternoon. Pretty lame. I ended up going to a movie with some people and then playing Rockband with some folks from my class last night, so my Lonely-Pathetic-o-Meter level went down.

The pathetic rating went up again. I just finished a tub of frozen yogurt (no bowl, just a spoon) while watching Antiques Roadshow.

1 comment:

  1. If it makes you feel any better, you are much less pathetic than me!! I definitely win any "pathetic human" contests. I have never gone to a bar by myself, but I spend most weekends in my apartment reading a book or watching movies on my laptop (sometimes I even multitask and wash dishes while I watch movies!). I just went on a solo mountain biking trip to Kickapoo State park on Sunday, and I haven't had a date in....ever. So there! :P I win!
