
Solo Sunday.

It rained here. All day. That meant any motivation to do stuff went in the toilet today.

I shouldn't say that I didn't get anything done today. I unloaded my dishwasher, watered my plants, and took my dog for a very brief walk. Other than that, I made a brief foray to the Urbana Free Library (why it isn't the "public" library, I have no idea) and got myself a card. And some books and a pumpkin spice latte.

Guess which one I decided to read first? The Steinbeck novel? The dorky Doctor Who book?

Nope; I chose the mind bubblegum that it a Mercedes Lackey novel.

I stuck around the library for a few hours to read and sip my latte. Apparently Sundays are live music days, since there was a jazz quintet (with a banjo!) that was playing in an area right off of the entrance. It was a pretty good way to waste some time this afternoon, and a great way to wile away a few hours on a rainy Sunday.

Alas, the library closes around 5 on Sundays, so I left about four. So what was I to do with the rest of my Sunday afternoon/evening?

Well, I DID go to the farmer's market yesterday, and I DID get all of this great produce swag...

Is swag the right term for vegetables? I like the word, so whatever.

The tomatoes looked particularly good, so I found a recipe to use some of them. I'm too lazy to write it out here, so you can go to the original website to read it.

I now present the making of a tart in photos (if you want the full experience, listen to Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog; that was my soundtrack):

I didn't have a tart pan, so I just used my springform pan. I might lose some points on presentation, but I don't think it'll effect the taste much. I also had never used Gruyere cheese before, but I've decided that I love it. It has bit of a pungent smell that I think is awesome with the smell of fresh-picked basil. If I could only smell one thing for the rest of my life, that might be it.

On second thought, maybe not. I would get really sick of it, and then where would the specialness be?

Anyway, here's the finished product:

Pretty damn tasty, if you ask me. Unfortunately, it's only little ol' me here to enjoy it. I used to have people over for dinner at my apartment in Ames, and I find that I really miss that. I like cooking (or attempting to cook) for people and eating a meal with friends. *Le sigh*

So. Anyone want to come to dinner anytime soon?

1 comment:

  1. Yes!! If I get to help cook... :-) Looks delicious! I have never used Gruyere cheese before either, but I know that the smell of fresh basil with tomatoes and a bit of garlic and Parmesan is pretty heavenly...must try this with new cheese.
