
Things that make you feel like a doofus.

1. Pushing or pulling inappropriately when using a door.

This also includes pushing on the hinge side of the door. And why the hell do they put knobs on doors that you have to push to get through? I think building planners do it on purpose just so they have something to snicker about.

2. Thinking of something funny when you're walking by yourself and smiling or laughing to yourself.

This inevitably happens when you are around a lot of people. I don't mean walking-down-the-street busy, I mean sitting-in-a-bus-stop-when-it's-negative-one-bajillion-degrees-outside-so-everyone-is-crammed-together busy. And once I start thinking of something funny, I can't stop. Thank god for texting; I usually resort to whipping out my phone and pretending I'm having an amusing text convo with a witty friend.

Aaaand.... music!

I downloaded Veckatimest by Grizzly Bear from Amazon the other day. I like and recommend!

Also something that makes me feel silly: trying to say "Veckatimest." I can never remember what the album title actually is so end up saying something like "vicikaticest," which sounds like a villain off of SWAT Kats or some type of insect incest. If there is such a thing.

1 comment:

  1. 3. Walking towards someone in a hallway. They smile and wave, and you think they're smiling and waving at you, so you smile and wave back. . . but really they are smiling and waving at the person behind you.
