
Optimus Prime should guest lecture.

I had a lecture on graph transformations this morning. It would have been way more interesting if it had somehow incorporated sentient robotic life; I should probably bring it up with the math department.

Far more annoying than the incredibly repetitive lecture was the guy sitting next to me. Yes, scruffy teenage seat neighbor, the lecture is boring. Yes, pimply boy whose voice has probably just broken, you did learn this in high school. Yes, immature whiny kid, the lecturer's English isn't perfect. But I would like to see you get up in front of a bunch of Chinese college students and conduct a lecture in Mandarin. Or Cantonese. Either way, SHUT UP. There are some students in the class who probably didn't learn this prior to college who will benefit from the repetition and the math may not be intuitive for everyone. So quit being a smug douche-waffle and shut your insufferable pie hole.

Now, I find the lectures just as boring as this guy obviously did, but I try to respect the other students in the class. And I had a crossword puzzle. But this dude was just being a pill. I gave said seat neighbor several looks complete with eyebrow raise, which were meant to say, "Really? Really." He did not get the message and continued to mutter things under his breath. Finally I turned around and gave the over-the-glasses, exasperated, you're-starting-to-piss-me-off look.

I think it's pretty clear how well I put up with BS.

Anyway, satisfied that Seat Neighbor had gotten the message, I turned around and finished filling in the crossword. At the end of algebra I headed to my speech class. Guess who sat next to me? Jerky Seat Neighbor. Shit.

That brings me to today's speech class. We were supposed to write an outline based on some news article that we found interesting, and today was speech-giving day. Some were good; some were not. Listening to certain speeches was both painful and embarrassing. It's like when someone sitting next to you on the bus audibly farts. Do you acknowledge the sound or the smell, or just sit there and let them live with the illusion that no one noticed?

Side note: Annoying Seat Neighbor's speech really sucked. Am I smug? You betcha. But only internally.

Disclaimer: My use of the word "douche" is not meant to be derogatory to women in any way. Duh. I just think the conjunction of certain words with "douche" is an amusing way to describe certain people, e.g. waffle, canoe, chandelier, etc.


  1. When have you ever called someone a douche-canoe?

  2. Dean says there is an excellent website called "Hot Chick Douche Bag" featuring beautiful women with men who are not on par. Might be worth a look-see.

  3. This cracks me up because I have been on the receiving end of both the eyebrow raise and the over-the-glasses look. And because you are hilarious. And because you don't put up with anybody's BS (except for maybe mine. . .).

  4. Katie - I give credit for "douche-canoe" to the behaviorist from the zoo. Chandelier was just a random word that I picked.

    Amy - I think that I've gotten used to your BS over the years. Or you've gotten used to my nasty looks. Either way, someone has developed partial immunity.
