
Happy cows come from Wisconsin.

I went to California this past weekend to visit Western University. They have one of the DVM programs I'm interested in, and I thought that I should definitely visit this one. It's a bit... different. There are no lectures. Instead, there are small groups mediated by a professor. You're presented with a case, and are basically in charge of identifying your own learning issues, possible diagnoses, treatments, etc. It sounds scary, but a style of learning that I might like and do well in.

On Friday I was able to sit in on one of the problem-based learning (PBL) groups. It was fun and relaxed, and at one point the group was serenaded by the mediating professor a la Dean Martin. I think that the group/professor were a bit worried that they were intimidating me or that I was getting freaked out or overwhelmed.

Little do they know.

Yes, that is a denim jumpsuit. I will never need another Halloween costume.

Anyway, I think I made a good impression and that the prof I talked to liked me; hopefully that means that I'll get an interview!

After the business was out of the way, my friend from LA and I had the rest of the weekend to play. It was a really fun day and a half. We went antique-ing, wandered down to the Santa Monica Pier, Muscle Beach, and the 3rd Street Promenade, and finished up the day at the Getty Center, which is a huge and amazing art museum. All in all it was a good weekend.

And to round out the post, here's a picture of some Wisconsin cheese in the shape of a giraffe.


  1. That university sounds awesome! It is definitely a different style, but I think you would do really well there. And then I could visit you in California! :) PS- Love the cheese! Haha! Hope everything is going well with the new job.

  2. Where do I get said giraffe cheese? I would really like to get some and throw a small get together even if only for the reason that i want to show off this giraffe cheese :)
