
I'm freezing me bits off! Y'know, if I had bits.

Do you ever suddenly realize that you are a far stranger person than you originally thought? I certainly do. Quite often. I keep running across these funny little blips of post ideas that I've written down. None of them have come to fruition (obviously), but they make me tilt my head a bit.

"Things that make me feel old - flipping my mattress (haven't done it yet, but I've though about it and thinking about flipping a mattress... well I just don't know)"

"A lemming has taken up residence in my sinuses. When it rains the little bastard breaks out his hammer and chisel and starts working on my turbinates. I think he's probably recreated some of the greats - Michaelangelo's David, the Venus de Milo, the Thinker, etc. I bet he could make some pretty sweet nose hair topiaries too."

"Over break, I proved to myself that I could tell the difference between an ostrich and a goose as well as the differences between a walrus and a rhinocerous. I think I'm ready for my DVM now. (So close, Amy. You were so close.)"

I vote the middle as the strangest. To be fair, I was probably in pain and on large amounts of decongestants at the time.

Moving on.

Check this out.

What IS that, you say? Well, friends and neighbors, that would be my thermometer ma-jigger that lets me know what the ambient temperature is both outside and inside my house. Yep, it is 55 degrees inside. This is something that won't be fixed until tomorrow morning.

So I'm making cookies. Because the oven is basically a space heater that can produce tasty nommables. And baking is way more fun than studying pharmacology.

Procrastination is sweet. It tastes like chocolate-and-butterscotch chips.

My dog, in addition to being my fuzzy spaceheater, has taken it upon herself to be the finder of random sort-of-edible things in the backyard (for a dog, I mean; I wouldn't want to ingest anything she finds).

INSERT CUTE DOG PICTURE HERE. Oh wait, that's what I just did.

The first was a mummified squirrel earlier this year. I have a picture because I thought it was kind of neat, but I am trying to remember that not everyone is as thrilled with animal carcasses as I am. I also have a video of a fresh dog lung being inflated that I took last week which was TOTALLY WICKED but would also probably gross most people out.

But really, you should see it. Who needs a desert for natural mummification? Not squirrels, apparently.

Today Tess brought me two bones.

The first is what I think is part of a sacrum (yesssss, I am totally on my way to being a learned doctor). The second is a long bone from a bird since it is hollow, but I'm not sure which one. I'm thinking humerus and the attached bones are a rib and the coracoid.

I am a nerd.

Also, I don't know if you've noticed but this post, like so many others, really has no point and has gone on for far too long. The witty and somewhat humorous (humerus? PUNS) posts have gone bye bye for the time being. Sorry, kids. 

P.S. Steven Moffat, you are on my list. YOU KNOW WHAT YOU DID.

P.P.S. For context, Steven Moffat is the creator of Sherlock. "The Reichenbach Fall" simultaneously made me want to cheer and to stab someone with a rusty fork.


  1. I want to see the mummified squirrel and the dog lung.

  2. My nerd husband identified the bone as a coracoid before he read your analysis. Come forth with the squirrel and lung images.

  3. Geez, Sara, you were up earlier than I was!
    I, too, am voting for visuals of the squirrel mummy and dog lung.

  4. I vote for stabbing Steven Moffat with a rusty fork until he agrees to stop ending seasons with ridiculous cliffhangers. Also, there should definitely be more than 3 episodes per season! Give me more Sherlock!!!
