
Yeah. Blog post. I got nothin'.

Kids, this has not been a good self-esteem week for Katy.

Let us observe a moment of silence for your hopes that this would be a funny blog post.

So. I decided to make a list of things that I do well to shore up my flagging happy.

Item #1: I am really good at being amused.

"Katy," you say as you tap your pipe thoughtfully against your cheek whilst reclining in your wingback chair next to the fire, "I'm not so sure that the ability to be amused is a skill, per se." Well, friend-who-I'm-now-imagining-with-a-lush-mustache, I am a pro. When I find something that makes me laugh, it makes me laugh for DAYS, generally at inopportune moments like while sitting in the middle of lecture.

This gem tickled my humerus (humorous; funny bone; OH THE PUNS) last week and thinking about it still makes me giggle:

Y'know, you should really quit smoking that pipe. It's detrimental to your health and makes you smell like a re-hydrated squirrel mummy.

I also am prone to take something that I think it funny way too far. MOVING ON.

Item #2: I taught my dog to shake.

I've been trying off and on (mostly unsuccessfully) to teach Tess this for most of the semester. BOO YAH Y'ALL.

Okay, we're still working on it. But progress has been made!

Item #3: I'm super nerdy.

Dear friends, I have a confession. I am a nerd of brobdingnagian proportions. Example: I know the meaning of the word "brobdingnagian," where it comes from, and have used it in every day conversation. I am also excited for "The Secret World of Arietty" even though it is dubbed (boo times infinity) because I loved The Borrowers growing up and the movie is being released by Studio Ghibli.

Don't know what the frigamarole I'm talking about? Wikipedia is your friend. Also, reading Howl's Moving Castle was much better than watching the movie.

That wasn't really a confession; I wear my nerdiness on my sleeve for the most part. I'm proud of this one because, to paraphrase John Green, I am allowed to be uninhibitedly enthusiastic about stuff I like which is pretty much the best thing ever.

Item #4: I'm good at making up words.

Frigamarole: it's a mash-up of "frick" and "rigamarole." I'm not sure that that makes sense at all, but I'm easily amused, remember?

Item #5: I make delicious stews.

I was looking back on all of the things I've tried to make over the past year, and most of the things I've put into the "I'm-burning-my-mouth-but-don't-care-because-it's-so-damn-good" category are stews or stew-like things.

Also? Tomatillos are awesome. Who knew?

Item #6: I can read.

I'm stealing this one (thanks Mr. Green). I can read, and I enjoy reading. What's more, I enjoy talking about what I've read and listening to what other people think about those same books. The written word is an amazing thing; some stories have persisted in print form, essentially unchanged, for hundreds of years.

I'll just let the enormity of that sink in AND BLOW YOUR MIND.

The funny has been revived! Maybe? A little bit? If all efforts at resuscitating the humor failed, you should watch this. And then decide what size coffin humor needs. He was a rotund sort of fellow.


  1. You are fantastic, and I love you!

  2. Huzzah for reading! You make your parents proud!
