
Stop judging me, squirrel.

I went to the grocery store after I finished with my rotation today. Here's what I bought:

My salt squirrel is totally giving me the eye.

Beer, butter, and baking stuff. Food priorities. Oi.

In other news, I'm trying to make progress on my "do something neat" goal. To paraphrase NPH as Barney, I'm going to stop being lame and start being awesome (true story). I've started a book list which has quickly morphed into a list of classic literature that I haven't read. Books on the list include The Sound and the Fury and Of Mice and Men; since I now have a library card, I want to make it through the list by the end of the school year. I figure it'll give me something totally different to focus on than SCIENCE! and furry things.

Nerdily slightly-awesome?

I also signed up to busk at the local farmer's market. I did this a few weekends in the Old Market when I lived in Omaha, but it's been a while. It should be pretty fun and hopefully will earn me a few dollars in the process.

DFTBA, kids.


Solo Sunday.

It rained here. All day. That meant any motivation to do stuff went in the toilet today.

I shouldn't say that I didn't get anything done today. I unloaded my dishwasher, watered my plants, and took my dog for a very brief walk. Other than that, I made a brief foray to the Urbana Free Library (why it isn't the "public" library, I have no idea) and got myself a card. And some books and a pumpkin spice latte.

Guess which one I decided to read first? The Steinbeck novel? The dorky Doctor Who book?

Nope; I chose the mind bubblegum that it a Mercedes Lackey novel.

I stuck around the library for a few hours to read and sip my latte. Apparently Sundays are live music days, since there was a jazz quintet (with a banjo!) that was playing in an area right off of the entrance. It was a pretty good way to waste some time this afternoon, and a great way to wile away a few hours on a rainy Sunday.

Alas, the library closes around 5 on Sundays, so I left about four. So what was I to do with the rest of my Sunday afternoon/evening?

Well, I DID go to the farmer's market yesterday, and I DID get all of this great produce swag...

Is swag the right term for vegetables? I like the word, so whatever.

The tomatoes looked particularly good, so I found a recipe to use some of them. I'm too lazy to write it out here, so you can go to the original website to read it.

I now present the making of a tart in photos (if you want the full experience, listen to Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog; that was my soundtrack):

I didn't have a tart pan, so I just used my springform pan. I might lose some points on presentation, but I don't think it'll effect the taste much. I also had never used Gruyere cheese before, but I've decided that I love it. It has bit of a pungent smell that I think is awesome with the smell of fresh-picked basil. If I could only smell one thing for the rest of my life, that might be it.

On second thought, maybe not. I would get really sick of it, and then where would the specialness be?

Anyway, here's the finished product:

Pretty damn tasty, if you ask me. Unfortunately, it's only little ol' me here to enjoy it. I used to have people over for dinner at my apartment in Ames, and I find that I really miss that. I like cooking (or attempting to cook) for people and eating a meal with friends. *Le sigh*

So. Anyone want to come to dinner anytime soon?


Kapow! Fwoosh! Zzing!

I love fall.

Okay, so I realize that my last post was somewhat negative. I assure you that I'm not sad or lonely; it was more me poking fun at myself than anything else.

Besides, how could I be unhappy when one of my friends is famous?

Look, Libs! You made my fridge!

I am constantly amazed by how awesome the people around me are. That article is about the documentary that one of my high school friends is making about childhood cancer survivors and a lot of other stuff that I probably won't describe well if I try whoa really long sentence. You should probably read the full article here.

The list of awesomeness doesn't start with just documentary making; the list of colossally cool shit people I know do includes speaking Russian fluently and working with Russian exchange students, running a pet shelter, writing a blog on craft beer, going to Stanford for a teaching degree, and acting on shows like Bones and Glee.

I don't think I've done anything truly stupendous lately but would like to; suggestions?


I am a pathetic human being.

I was planning on writing this on Saturday; since then I have become slightly less pathetic.

Reason #1: I sat at a bar by myself for roughly 45 minutes.

I thought I was showing up fashionably late. "Fashionably late" has been redefined, apparently. The incredibly late shuttle that everyone else was taking to the bar didn't help either.

Reason #2: I went to a beer expo alone.

No one else was going that early, and I wanted to try some different craft beers before I went to dinner and a movie with some people from my class. It actually turned out to be an interesting experience; I ended up talking to two older gentlemen who were having a "save the world" weekend. They asked me what I would do to better the world, a conversation which diverted into tangents such as whether or not humans are still evolving and if we are turning into an infantile "instant gratification" society (have you read Brave New World?) and what role the media has in this. It wasn't quite the beer-drinking experience I had in mind, but it was enjoyable and one of the most interesting conversations I've had in a very long time.

Reason #3: I haven't had a date in two years.

Pity dates: I'll take 'em.

That was my Friday night and Saturday afternoon. Pretty lame. I ended up going to a movie with some people and then playing Rockband with some folks from my class last night, so my Lonely-Pathetic-o-Meter level went down.

The pathetic rating went up again. I just finished a tub of frozen yogurt (no bowl, just a spoon) while watching Antiques Roadshow.


If I am transferred to another person, I'm going to turn green and pummel you.

Last Thursday, I got home after about 12 hours at the teaching hospital. All I wanted to do was watch Project Runway. I turned on my TV, and much to my surprise, I got up to channel 22 and then everything jumped to channel 89. Much as I would love to watch men sell crystal-encrusted watches, the channel I really wanted was 31.

As I had this channel the previous day, I was a bit confused. After plugging and unplugging my cable box with no change, I called Comcast and asked. I was assured that I was getting all of the channels that I had signed up for. I was a bit cranky after my day so I'm afraid that I raged a bit at the customer service rep. I apologized profusely afterwards, but I still feel really bad about it.

Since I didn't think that I should talk to any real people that night, I sent an email to Comcast instead inquiring as to why I wasn't getting all of my TV channels (as I had signed up for the package that included Lifetime and Food Network - just the essentials, really). The next day I was sent an email directing me to go to the online chat.

I just got around to that today. Here's how the conversation went*:

Analyst1: Thanks for spending money with Comcast. What's your problem? 
Me: Well, I'm getting a different service package than what I thought I was supposed to be getting. Right now I'm getting basic cable, and I wanted the package that cost the same but had the expanded digital channels.
Analyst1: Thanks for providing that information. Please wait on the line while I do mysterious things at my computer and don't talk to you for five minutes.
Analyst1: It says here on our file that you spoke to a customer service rep.
Me: That's correct. He told me that I was getting all of the channels that I was supposed to be getting, but when I went back and looked at my bill I saw that I was getting something other than what I signed up for.
Analyst1: So what exactly did the rep tell you? What channels are you getting now.
Me: The digital basic channels.

This went on for approximately ten more minutes.

Analyst1: Your problem is with your cable package. I'm really sick of dealing with you, so I'm going to transfer you to that department so that they can give you the runaround for a bit.
Analyst1: Hold on. They're on coffee break, but don't close your browser window and don't leave your computer.

Analyst2: Hello. What can I help you with today?
Me: I'm not getting the TV package that I thought I signed up for. I'm getting digital basic and want the expanded channels. Here's my account number and my address. Please change my package.
Analyst2: Let me just look up your information. I might take a pee break, but stay on the line.

Several minutes later...

Analyst2: I see that you're getting digital basic.
Me: Yes. I told you that.
Analyst2: What channels are you getting?
Me: Up to 22 and then it jumps to 89. I would like the expanded channels please.
Analyst2: You're getting the channels you should be getting. Is there anything else I can help you with today?
Analyst2: Ah! I understand your concern. 
Analyst2: I can't help you with that today. Is it alright if I switch you to sales?
Me: The last person told me that you would be able to take care of this.
Analyst2: I'm going to switch you now. Please stay on the line.


Cherrylyn: Hello! What can I help you with?
Me: Give me the digital expanded channels. Give them to me right now before I come over to the local Comcast office and stab someone with a rusty knife.
Cherrylyn: Let me check your account.
Me: Or a rusty spoon. Perhaps a spork.
Cherrylyn: I can switch you to the expanded cable. There will be a service change charge of $1.99. Is that acceptable?
Me: Whatever. Do it.
Cherrylyn: Thank you! I will make that change right now.
Cherrylyn: Do you have any questions for me?
Me: Are you a stripper?

*Most of this is made up. Though I did talk to the Comcast folks and get bounced around to several departments. NOT. HAPPY.