
Royal purple? Perhaps.

I was planning on writing a post about the Superbowl tonight (FOOTBALL! YEAH!), but more pressing matters presented themselves.

As you may have read, I've been expecting a letter from KSU for the last week and have been getting progressively more neurotic as the days pass. Today, I actually did not check the mail after I brought it in; I think things had progressed to the point where my mind was blanking out that the US Postal Service existed.

After work today, I went to pick up the little dogs from the vet's office (they had their teeth cleaned). En route I realized that I HADN'T LOOKED FOR A LETTER TODAY.

I went into fight-or-flight mode. Sweaty palms, shaky hands, the works. I kept it together while picking up the dogs, then sped home. I picked up the bundle of mail, and flipped through the envelopes.


I resigned myself to another day of ridiculous worrying. I began to sort through the magazin- wait! A manilla envelope? Addressed to me?! From Kansas State?!? I ripped it open, read the first sentence, then emitted a sound that was an odd melding of a squeal, scream, and tortoise-in-coitus noise that went something like this:


Then I cried a little bit. And called my sister.

 I'm in!


  1. Congrats Katy!!!! Awesome news!!!

  2. CONGRATS again, sister! Love you!

  3. Congrats! One of my friend's dad felt like his ISU Vet Med interview was awkward and then he got into KState. Apparently it's just the way it happens for people who did their undergrad at ISU. You look loverly in purple. :D

  4. YAY! Congrats, you get to spend time in the "little apple"

  5. Ok, I know I commented on this. I must not have finished clicking "Post Comment"? I dunno.

    VLOGBROTHERS FTW...I love that video in spite of all its awkwardness. I recommend you watch John's "Giant Squids of Love" video.

    And I've probably congratulated you enough, but I think you can handle one more CONGRATS!

  6. AWESOME!! Congratulations! And now I'm hooked on vlogbrothers... Thanks.
