

Not really. But sort of.

I had orientation this week. During the first day, one of the faculty (NOT a student) asked what was the requisite grade average to move on to second year (it's above a C average, by the way).  The assistant dean then spent the next ten minutes explaining to us that we shouldn't worry about it. But it's a big deal, so we should worry. But really, it'll be fine. But then again...

DOOOOOOM. But not really.

We also got our schedules for the first eight weeks of rotations; I'm on equine medicine and surgery first. What I know about horses would fit into a teaspoon, and I've heard that the vet in charge is kind of a hardass.

DOOOOOOM. But only for one week.

The first years have been spending a lot of time with the second years, and one of them suggested that we have potlucks like they did during their first year; it was a great way to bond and meet people not on your rotations. There was some discussion on facebook, and I volunteered to host the first one. I was kind of excited; my duplex looks awesome after all of my pictures were on the walls, house plants in place, etc. Then today someone asked me (I think she meant it to be joking) if I was ready to have a hundred vet students descend upon my residence tomorrow. Oh yeah, our class is 130, isn't it?

In 900 square feet (not including the deck and yard). DOOOOOOOOOM.

Icing on the cake: when I was driving to the store earlier (I STILL FORGOT MY COFFEE FILTERS; SHIT) a light came on on my dashboard. I wasn't quite sure what it was, so I pulled out the owners manual. I can't remember exactly what it meant, but it was something like this:

This light means that there is something seriously wrong with your engine. Head to a dealer immediately lest your car die in a catastrophic fireball that will probably take out a busload of orphans. Or kittens. Playing with yarn. If you do not get this remedied immediately, it will result in the internal fusion reaction of the sun speeding up, thus prematurely bringing about its red giant phase. Mass chaos and pandemonium will ensue. There will be rioting and looting in the streets all over the world. Plants, unable to sustain themselves on the altered electromagnetic radiation, will die out, thus sealing the fate of the planet.


Or your gas cap could be loose.

1 comment:

  1. This is why you are amazing. I hope your first day of learning about horses went well!! Also, if the world ends tomorrow, now I know who to blame.
