
The Guy's Guide to Dating Katy: Special Internet Dating Edition

So I've tried online dating since I moved to CU. These are some of my unofficial rules. It keeps the number of schmucks at minimum.

1. If you call me "hot," especially on first contact, you are done.
I do not think of myself as "hot." "Hot" to me has negative connotations which include "stupid" and "airhead." Regardless of what your intentions are when you use that word, to me it means that you care not one whit for the person I am and are just looking at the physical.

Go. Find a thesaurus. Use it.

2. If you use "LOL" in your profile, you are probably done.
Chatspeak drives me nuts even when used in IM or text settings. I will totally judge you on your use of "LOL." I will judge you even more if you use it multiple times.

3. Spell things correctly.
You are writing something and have time to proofread. If you don't care about spelling or punctuation, we might not really get along anyway.

4. If you tell me that you don't get along with your family, that's a no.
My family is awesome (love you guys). If you are gloom and doom about your own, I sure as hell am not going to want to introduce that into my own life.

5. If I am carrying the conversation on the first date, that's not a good sign.
If I am doing all of the talking, the date is not going well regardless of what you think. I don't like awkward silence and will talk constantly to fill it. Bottom line: if I wanted to talk to myself, I'd stay home. Keep up your end of the conversation, pal.

6. Do not try to one-up me in the "classes are hard" department.
Are you trying to annoy me? If you are, ignore this one.


  1. Your rules are pretty much the same as mine. I add if you have a picture of your abs in the mirror (MySpace style) I will seriously consider not saying anything to you/responding if you contact me. Not capitalizing anything and no punctuation in your profile are also a no go for me.

  2. Yes to all of this. As for #5, I noticed there was also a flipside: if you're doing all the talking, I know every little thing about you, and you know nothing about me, then that's a problem.

    Also, pervs. Avoid the pervs. :D

    And your family IS awesome. That's true!

    1. Thank you for the sound advice, Katie. I will endeavor to avoid those of the pervy persuasion from here on out.

  3. Seriously! And when you send me the first message, please send something meaningful. NOT "How are you?" (end message) or "I enjoyed reading your profile." (end message)

    If you enjoyed the damn profile, show me that you actually read it and make a comment regarding what was in it!

    And please no cheesy pick-up lines. We're not meeting in a bar.
