
All-text blog posts are boring, so I put in a clip of Amy getting a tiara.

I'm writing this while at work. Is it kosher use of my work computer? I figure I haven't gotten in trouble for being on Facebook or for doing online crosswords, so my response is a shrug.

"Shrug" is one of those words that just looks and sounds wrong. It only gets worse the more you look at it/think about it, so I'm going to move on.

Y'know, I pride myself on my self-confidence and being sure in my decisions, whether they be large or small. Most of the time if my choice turned out to maybe not be the best one, I don't spend time worrying about it; instead I deal with whatever consequences there may be and move on with my life. It's pretty rare that I stew over something. For example, since making my decision to go to vet school and NOT reapply for nutrition graduate programs I've felt perfectly fine with my choice. I had come to the conclusion that I would not be as happy doing research as I would be in clinical practice.

Then I went to Omaha this weekend.

For those of you who don't know, I spent three summers interning in the nutrition department at the Omaha zoo. I loved it; the people I worked with were fabulous and I felt like the projects I worked on had practical applications. THAT was the reason I was so disappointed when I didn't get in to U of I's animal nutrition program. As I stated above, I have come to terms with that and moved on with my life. This weekend, a rumor I had heard was confirmed.

Insert three-little-pigs-huff-and-puff-blow-your-house-down sigh here.

Long story short, someone at the zoo is going to be teaching at Iowa State and doing some REALLY COOL SHIT in the animal sciences program AND had some ridiculously interesting ideas for research projects. This makes me almost wish that I wasn't committed to another three years of school because I would dearly love to work on some of the things that were mentioned. I'm hoping that I can maybe do at least some of the preliminary stuff at the zoo the next summer, provided that A) the zoo/nutrition department is okay with the study/studies and B) they let me come back... again.

In my head I know that I have plenty of time to do with my life what I will and that I would rather keep learning throughout my life than be stagnant and bored, but there's still a little niggle in the back of my brain saying, "you're going to be so OLD when you're done with school if you keep going" and "what happens when you get tired of this?"

Someone get me a tiara, stat.

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