
An open letter to all who care to read it.

Dear everyone in the universe,

Remember that when you call a customer service number, you are talking to another person on the other end. It behooves you as a thinking, feeling person to be decent to them.

If you get frustrated, don't take it out on them.

Realize that they have to handle things in a certain way and it will be taken care of, even if it is not as handled as quickly as you would like.

Do not swear at them. Do not yell at them. It does not help, and will probably fluster the person on the other end so that they are not as efficient as they normally would be. And you will be flagged as an asshole (using a more professional term, of course).

If they apologize, CALM THE FUCK DOWN.

This is their job. You probably wouldn't like it if someone came into your place of business and screamed at you. Remember the golden rule.

Thank you, and by remembering this you will be making the customer service rep's day not suck, keeping your blood pressure low, and will prove yourself a better person than a lot of your fellow callers.

Thanks in advance for not being a douchenozzle!


1 comment:

  1. I will admit... I have gotten short with telephone ppl before. Although, the last time was b/c I had never searched for home security or health insurance, but somehow my number got sold to the devil, and I had asked to be removed from their database 4 times already. They are the spawns of satan...you are trying to help ppl...big difference. So are people going psycho, momma-bear, "you! help my dog now! I answers no questions! Fix now!" or are they just tools to begin with?
