
Doing some spring(ish) cleaning.

I decided at the end of January that I was tired of wading through the masses of crap on my floor and was going to clean. Not only would I clean, I would ORGANIZE. I would DONATE STUFF. I would DUST and POLISH and VACUUM.

Several weeks later, I am finally done. And my room is beautiful. While cleaning, I discovered/realized a few things:

1. I should never buy pens again. My desk has 22 little drawers (no joke), and there were at least six pens in each of them. 22 x 6 = a shit ton of pens.

2. Same goes for dental floss.

3. I didn't actually find my camera cord, which means that it probably fell into a crack in space and time and will only emerge when I have purchased a new one.

4. I don't have enough shelf space. I have a freestanding book case as well as built-in bookshelves at one end of my window seat, and I still can't fit all of my books onto shelves. I'm pretty okay with this problem since I love books. eReaders are great for travel, but there's something about the weight of a book in your hands and the smell of the ink and paper.

5. I have quite a few unfinished projects, including some throw pillows, several in-progress pieces of jewelry, and an apron. The fabric for the apron is great; I love bisected pome fruit.

In addition to thoroughly cleaning my room, I also inventoried all of the stuff that I have for my hypothetical apartment, which brings me to number six:

6. I have no common thread in the furniture I have. Color? Nope; it runs the gamut from turquoise to red to eggplant. Style? Well, most of it is kitsch. Other than that, negatory. Fabric? Nein.

 That being said, I like every piece of furniture. If it looks like design throw up in my next residence, so be it. 

Yes, these are seats from the old Neenah theater. I love the fabric on the backs.

1 comment:

  1. You spent all that time taking College Algebra, and the best you can do is that 22 x 6 = a shit ton? ;) Bahahaha. Love it. Also love your theater seats.
