
A Guy's Guide To Dating Katy

...not that I'm dating anyone. Or have had a date in quite some time. *sigh*

Pardon me while I go get my tub of cookie dough.

Okay, but honestly, first dates are always painfully awkward and for the most part pretty awful; so why am I sighing over it? I have this theory that dating is like childbirth. As soon as it's over, you forget the pain, which is necessary if people were to ever reproduce... or... date.

Maybe that comparison isn't the best, but I think you get my point. Anyway. Ahem.

Rules for Dating

1. If I am dancing to an 80's song, don't try to dance on me.
I like to be free and uninhibited while dancing to "Living on a Prayer," thank you.

2. Don't open car doors for me all of the time.
If I'm in a nice dress, fine. Otherwise I am perfectly capable of opening up my own door. I have arms. With hands. Which you have probably noticed if we're going out.

3. Don't call me "baby."
I am an adult, not a child or an infant. If thinking of the latter rocks your boat, eww.

4. Do be a nerd.
Being a nerd means that you are unashamed to be uninhibitedly enthusiastic about things. Which also probably means that you have more fun than "cool" people. I know that I certainly do.

5. You will watch Disney movies.
Again, not really a rule. But you will watch Disney movies. And you will like it.

6. Feel free to make fun of me.
I do it to myself all the time. Obviously.

7. If you're buying a drink for me, make it delicious beer.
And Bud, Miller, and Coors are crap. Craft beer is where it's at, yo.

There you have it, loyal readers and randos who stumble upon the internet schizophrenia that is my blog. Yet another ridiculous post that has nothing to do with vet school.

Anyone else notice that I'm no longer labeling my posts? Yet another victim of laziness. That and they had nothing to do with content and there was no consistency.


  1. When you said that being a nerd means being uninhibitedly enthusiastic about things, were you citing the Vlogbrothers video I showed you? I hope so. Because that statement has become an integral part of my mantra (well, it would if I had an honest-to-goodness mantra).

  2. Pretty sure these are rules that any guy that would like to date me must follow as well. Well said!!

  3. Loved this! I think I'm going to go through and read all of your old blogs to cheer myself up from NW Iowa gloom!
