
What's next, a Vespa?

Last night, I purchased a guitar. Do I know how to play it? Nope. Am I signed up for lessons? Negatory. Am I an idiot for thinking that I can teach myself? Probably. I'm trying to figure out what brought on this sudden impulse to learn how to play the guitar. I think it may be a combination of boredom and a mid-twenties crisis (what am I doing with my life/I'm almost a quarter of a century old). Yep.

I'm pretty sure that the guy at the Island Music thought that I was a total flake. I went in there with no idea what I was doing or what I was looking for. This is how I started off at the store, with nonsensical words inserted where he used guitar terms that meant absolutely nothing to me:

Me: "Hi. I'm here to look at some guitars."
Guitar Guy: "Well, are you looking for a wizzgig or a framdoodle? Or are you more into something with a wooden jigamafrump? We've sold quite a few of those lately."
Me: "..."

At this point he realized that I had no clue what he was talking about, pulled some instruments off the wall, and explained some of the basics.

Then he started to warm up to his topic:

Guitar Guy: "This one is great because the bumbersmack is wood and that gives you a great sound."
Me: (sounding interested) "Uh huh."
Guitar Guy: "But there is something to be said about this style of frackenwap. Easy for a beginner to handle."
Me: (starting to resemble a donut: glazed *ba-dump ching*) "Yeah."
Guitar Guy: "And THIS one is amazing because of its woogly zamboni in a wamplum bleep fritter..."

At this point I think I may have been drooling a little bit out of the corner of my mouth.

I ended up picking up a nice, mellow-sounding guitar that I liked the look of (Guitar Guy approved, so it must have been okay). I can pick out a chromatic scale and four chords. The ultimate goal for now is to learn how to play "Space Oddity" 'cause that song is awesome.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hahaha.
    1) The title of this post is awesome. Vespas are wonderful. I would be totally jealous if you got one, but that would be fantastic.

    2) At least you have the bonus of having used the tips of your fingers to play a stringed instrument. I know it's not the same, but when I tried to teach myself to play the guitar, the tips of my fingers hurt for a few days and I gave up.

    3) I anxiously anticipate the next time you use gibberish words in your blog. You have quite the vocabulary of ridiculous words...you could write a British children's fantasy novel.

    (I reposted this because I made a typo and I really am that much of a perfectionist. :-P)
