
I wish I could take credit for this brilliance.

I did not write this. Sadly. I do not yet have Dr. Graves for an instructor, but you have NO IDEA how excited I am for that time to come. This is an excerpt from the Tenesmus Times (Vol. 3, Issue 2), the vet med newsletter.

Match the Dr. Graves quote with the correct subject.

1. It's about as uncommon as a Baptist church without a schoolbus.
2. This looks like a cat sitting on the stomach of a pregnant alien.
3. Strike three and it's time to remove the penis.
4. You will treat it overnight, and it will look like six pounds of shit in a five pound bag.
5. Just palpate Barbie's butt; wiggle your finger across the back of her crack.

If you are at all interested in actually trying to match them, here are your choices:

A. Cat with hypoadrenocorticism
B. Urethral obstruction
C. Palpating the prostate
D. Hyperthyroidism in cats
E. Neutrophil in glomerulus

Happy matching!


  1. I love that guy. I'm almost tempted to apply to vet school just to have the opportunity to take a class from him... Then again, maybe not. He is pretty awesome though!

  2. We had a professor compare prions to vampires, say Easter lilies do not resurrect cats...they take all 9 lives, and many more gems that you would have to be paying attention to get since he did not change his tone of voice at all when making jokes.
