
I think my brain is full.

Hey folks! I promise that I have not been sucked into a black hole or replaced by a plastic replica of myself.

At least not since the last time I checked. Someone get me a sonic screwdriver (I just nerded all OVER).

Lately my brain has been taken over by muscle attachments and what hormones use cAMP vs. DAG/IP3 as second messengers, so I haven't really come up with anything interesting or clever to write.

Here's a list of things I could potentially write about but lack the brainpower to develop into a cohesive post:

1. Swing dancing: I still can't follow.
2. Cooking: I think I love chickpeas.
3. Housekeeping: There are carpet tumbleweeds EVERYWHERE.
4. Falling off my bike: My advice is to make sure you secure your plastic bag seat cover prior to riding lest it fly in your face.
5. Vlogbrothers: I have subscribed to two channels that have no videos uploaded... yet.
6. Lab practical: Screw you, horse leg.
7. Midterms: Halfway there.

 And to continue the theme of non-organization, here are the picture that were just transferred to my computer from my phone.


Illustration from my large animal anatomy book. Because there are eyes on horse penises.


I think I was trying to find a template for my piranha plant headpiece. Or I was trying to determine the correct serving plate for a human head.

Yup. Hang out with these guys voluntarily.

Marketing people: clever naming of products works!

So fluffy. And totally gassing up my couch.

Ghiradelli endorses marshmallow usage with their hot chocolate, even if it is akin to putting ketchup on filet mignon.


  1. I love everything about this. If there was a "like" button next to every sentence in this post, I would click every single one of them. Conclusion: You are amazing. Also, I am definitely making chickpea and sweet potato curry when I get back from England. You should join me.

  2. Love this! Marshmallows. Also, just wanted you to know that pretty much all my friends read your blog- so keep writing! (Yours is significantly funnier than mine. I know who wins.)
