
Gah! Packing.

My life is being consumed by packing. Or at least is being stored in them temporarily.

It is T-minus roughly one month until I move, and I have (slowly) begun to put things in boxes. And while I am attempting to keep things to the bare minimum, I know that I will end up with way too much stuff in my new place as well as things that, three weeks down the line, will make me ask myself, "What was I smoking when I decided to pack this?!"

Item 1: A spittoon.

Yes, I am the proud owner of a spittoon. It has been living in the unfinished part of my parents' basement for forever, and I am going to give it a new home. What will I do with said chewing-tobacco receptacle? No clue, but I go for the ridiculous most of the time, so what the heck.

Item 2: A horse head lamp.

I purchased this recently. It looks like a knight from a chess set, which tickles me. Nothing else in my house will match; why should my lighting?

Item 3: Outdoor chairs.

When I purchased these ($10 for the pair), they were painted a yellow color. I decided to strip them, then paint one of them a slightly different yellow color. And orange. I spent hours tearing the staples out of the bottoms of the seats to remove the gross oatmeal-colored upholstery (to be fair, it wasn't that nasty of a color, but it wasn't exactly what I wanted), and I spent hours stripping, priming, and painting the metal frame. Then I spent more hours re-stripping, re-priming, and re-painting parts of the frames since cottonwood fuzzies settled in it or it fell over while the paint was wet or got stuck to the surface it was drying on. There were many minutes spent swearing in there as well. And the paint still looks like butt.

I don't want to talk about it.

There are some things I've obtained recently that I'm sure that I will be incredibly happy to have along.

Item 1: My cookie cutter menagerie.

These are silly. But they make me smile and give me motivation to make cut-out cookies to send to some special people in California. (Enjoy the unicorns and hippos, friends.)

Item 2: Bruce Bodden's take on Van Gogh's "Starry Night."

I love this almost as much as I love the original painting.

Item 3: My non-toilet commode.

Okay, so this isn't a recent purchase, but it's finished! I used one of the porcelain knobs I have lying around to replace the boring pull that was on the door and spray painted the rest of the hardware.

Other hardware I'm proud of: my swimming medals! Yours truly swam in her first Master's meet ever last weekend. I made up my times since I hadn't swam in a meet in about five years. Some of the results were embarrassing (2:59 for a 200 IM = eek), but it was fun and I proved to myself that I can still kick serious ass in the 100 backstroke, even if I am slow and out of shape.

And now to end with something completely random, courtesy of the sculpture garden in Minneapolis (some food for thought, as it were *ba-dump ching*):

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