
Winter cometh to Wisconsin. Also Christmas spirit.

I've been thinking about how to format this post for a while (yes, I do actually think about these things) which is why this post is happening about a week after the event. I've decided to title it...

Reasons Why My Friends Are Awesome: 
A Tale Told in Pictures 
(except where there weren't any for that bullet point... 
just read the damn blog post)

1. They plan cookie baking parties and up the ante by making it a boozy ugly-Christmas-sweater cookie baking party.

2. And they wear the aprons that you bring along.

3. As well as some other ones the hostess has lying around...

... while flying a toy helicopter.

4. When you decide that you want some calories that are not A) derived from baked goods or B) from alcohol and order Jimmy Johns, they put together a bag of cookies for the delivery guy and serenade him in ugly sweaters, then hint that the cookies may or may not be poisoned (*cough Jenna cough*).

5. They watch children's Christmas specials with you and agree with comments like "Santa's an asshole."

6. Bailey's and hot chocolate. And vino. Thanks friends.

7. They know what the FSM is and don't laugh at you for making a FSM cookie. (I was touched by his noodly appendage...)

8. They join in the nerdiness by making a "God of Cake" tribute cookie. Which totally doesn't look anything like the picture.


Real drawing.


Real drawing.

9. They make eating a cookie a punishment for being the drunkest at the end of the "Elf" drinking game. Not because it was felt that there should be a punishment, but because we really wanted to see someone's mouth after they ate the vampire cookie. 

Seriously though, that was some really intense color on that bad boy.

7. They help you dig out your car at 7 AM after having 12+ inches of snowfall...

8. ...laugh at you when your snowball totally backfires... 

8. ... and tackle you into the snow for the hell of it.

Good job, everybody. Shenanigans complete; that's a wrap.

Credit for all pictures goes to Libby because I neglected to charge my camera battery.


  1. 1. Sounds like your cookie party was a little bit crazier than mine...
    2. I love, love, love that you serenaded the Jimmy Johns delivery man and made him a bag of cookies... I bet it made his day.
    3. Holy shit that's a lot of snow

    Glad you have good friends to celebrate the holidays with and to help you drink away your sorrows from working in retail

  2. Hey! That's MY Christmas sweatshirt!
