
"Percolate" is an awesome word.

Yesterday I went to UW Madison for the vet school open house; I have a few days to make a decision on a school. Yikes.

I decided that I needed time to let everything percolate in my subconscious for a while, so I grabbed some coffee and put on my painting pants.

Jumpy Monkey, why must you only be sold in Iowa?

 Painting pants: only slightly less sexy than party pants.

It was time to man up and finish the painting I started a week ago. I call it "Thin-armed Octopi in a Ball Pit."

I promise that the colors aren't as gross as they look in this picture.

I think I may have gone a bit overboard with the dots, but I'm okay with that. I started off doing two layers of paint per dot, but I stopped doing that pretty quickly for several reasons. One: I liked that you could see the brush strokes and the "branches" underneath the dot color. Two: I am lazy.

This is my favorite dot. It looks like it's eating the green one (yet another product of my laziness).

Yes, I have a favorite dot.

After I finished with clean up, I went out to the garage to tackle this:

I found it (plus mirror) at an antique store in Appleton for $40. And that is why I love antique stores. It has some ugly-ish hardware:

I haven't quite decided whether it's so ugly that I like it or if it's just ugly; so far I'm leaning toward the "just ugly" side of things. I have some knobs that are less offending to the eyeballs, but I would have to fill those holes and drill new ones in the middle. Le sigh.

I'm not quite sure what I'm going to do with it, but I was thinking about doing this for the drawer fronts and top and painting the rest. Thoughts?

1 comment:

  1. That brown papering looks really nice! Good luck with your vet school decision!
