
I'm crafty like a fox, but better since I have opposable thumbs.

Being an involved member of a sorority during college, I gained many things. Like t-shirts. Add those to the ridiculous amount of swimming t-shirts that I've been accruing since age eight, and you get an amount that's somewhere between "ouch" and "boing."

Movie reference, anyone? Anyone? Bueller? Okay.

I needed something to do with all of these shirts. Honestly some of them are kind of ugly and/or stained, so giving them away isn't really an option. Besides, I don't think anyone is going to want to wear a secondhand "2004 Girls' Swimming Conference Champ" shirt. And then, like a grail-shaped beacon on the horizon (movie reference, anyone?), I came across this post on Polk & 2nd, a craft blog written by a friend of my sister. The necklace tutorial in turn brought me to this entry, and I was inspired.

The first t-shirts I sacrificed were some oversized swimming shirts from my 10-and-under days and a neon yellow one that I figured I wouldn't miss if I screwed up horribly. After a laughable first attempt to cut a straight line, I used a ruled cutting mat and rolling cutter. WAY easier.

I like it despite the fact that it pretty much glows in the dark. The best part is the button I used for the center of the flower. I think I got it in one of those mystery jars of stuff that they sell for a few bucks at antique stores everywhere.

Next I tried making a longer one out of some t-shirt yarn I had made. I think it turned out pretty well, if a bit too short to double loop comfortably.

Next I upped the ante by actually using an outgrown "nice" t-shirt. I was rather pleased with how it turned out.

Since I determined that sewing the flower on the first necklace I made was a major pain in the tuckus, I made them tie-on instead. That way, I could move or remove them as I pleased and not stab myself in the finger repeatedly with a needle. A win-win situation if I ever saw one.

The most recent one I made was for my mom, and it's probably my favorite thus far. The flowers are still of the tie-on variety, but I sewed buttons on the part of the tie that sticks out of the front.

I'm probably going to end up with a million of these things.


  1. Oh my gosh, I love them!!! I want to make some now. :)

  2. I am so proud of you!!!! Fantastic work! It puts some of my attempts to shame for sure. Hooray for crafty (in all senses of the word!) girls!

  3. White Christmas!

    Those look great, Katy! If mom get one, does that mean I get one too? Can we wear them and be matching on our vacation together?

  4. Anyone who says "major pain in the tuckus" is not allowed to laugh at any expression that I might use ever again!

    I wore mine to PHX this past weekend - it does double duty as a necklace and a neck warmer while changing climate zones and you don't have to take it off to go through the metal detectors.

    White Christmas and Monty Python and the Holy Grail.
