
Everyone is getting books for Christmas.

I am in a love-hate relationship with Borders. The love is because I crave books almost as much as I crave caffeine. Almost. The hate is because of the inability of my manager to schedule me for a consistent number of hours/remember when I have class and can't work/give me any hours at all/not suck at life.

Por ejemplo: This week we are setting up the bookstore, which requires a lot of work from everyone and a ton of time; everyone who was hired specifically for the Borders Express was scheduled from 8-5 Monday through Friday. After I received the schedule, I emailed Helen (the business area manager because our store doesn't actually have its own manager) and explained that I had class on Tuesdays and Thursdays until 11:10, so would get to the store around noon. Tuesday morning, 8:30 AM, I get a call asking where I am. WHAT.

Ejemplo numero dos: I am scheduled for six hours next week. Six. Everyone else is scheduled for 20+. I am not normally one to use textisms, but WTF. I have picked up another job, but it will be roughly three hours daily Monday through Thursday, and does not interfere with the 9 to 3 shift. I repeat, WTF.

I am hoping that things get better. If they don't I am purchasing as many books as my greedy self can handle (that's a lot, especially with the employee discount) and kissing retail goodbye.

Now that I think about it, I might not be making enough at Borders to support my book habit. I have a fairly extensive list of things that I lusted over while unpacking/sorting this past week:
  • Love in the Time of Cholera by Gabriel Garcia Marquez
  • Every book written by Chuck Palahniuk
  • A Prayer for Owen Meany by John Irving
  • A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khalad Hosseini
  • Dracula: The Undead by Dacre Stoker
  • Every book I don't already own by Orson Scott Card
  • Lots more books that I can't think of right now
You get the picture.


  1. A Thousand Splendid Suns is FANTASTIC!! I loved that book, and Orson Scott Card is equally awesome. I haven't read any of the others on your list, but I'm adding them to my list right now... Someday I hope to have my "list of books to read" down in the double digits, but I just keep adding books faster than I can read them!

  2. A Prayer for Owen Meany will change your life. It's up there with East of Eden for most mind-blowing books I've read.

  3. I also read a prayer for Owen meany, it is outragously good
