
It's been a no-focus kind of morning.

I was distracted by 60s Spider-Man memes in path lecture this morning. My favorite?


Then we had immunology lecture and I saw this figure on a slide:

My brain immediately went here...

...so I wrote this:

Spider-Antibody, Spider-Antibody
Does whatever a spider-Antibody can
Forms a complex of only five
Catches epitopes just like flies
Look out
Here comes the Spider-Antibody

Thank all that is holy that it is Friday.



I have created the most unpleasant and unappetizing cupcakes on the planet. I was intrigued by the thought of chocolate and avocado, and there were plenty of comments below raving about how wonderful these cupcakes turned out.

Well, I bite my thumb at you, random food blog commenters. I have created a list.

Why These Cupcakes are Nasty and Shall be Tossed




2. Even after beating the ever lovin' snot out of the avocados, I still ended up with lumps in the batter and icing. I left the avocados in a paper bag with a banana for a day and they felt ripe, so what the hell, recipe. I even put those suckers in a food processer after mashing them up with a fork. Then I beat them with a hand mixer. WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME AVOCADOS?!

3.  The batter tasted okay, but the texture of the baked cupcake is odd. It is very dense, but at the same time strangely dry. And somehow lumpy. It's possible that I overmixed the batter, but I have overmixed cupcakes before and they've NEVER turned out like this.

They look deceptively normal. Do not be fooled.
4. The frosting as made per recipe instructions was incredibly sweet. After the sweetness hit, THEN you got an aftertaste of avocado. It was not a pleasant melding of flavors.

Mmmm. Lumpy green shit.

Moral of the story: chocolate avocado cupcakes are gross. RUN AWAY.