
Fetch me the problem stick.

In honor of the last HP movie, I'm posting some of my favorite Harry Potter-related YouTube videos.

The Vortex:

Also from Potter Puppet Pals:

A song about how no other books will be as amazing as the Harry Potter series, from the Vlog Brothers:

Act 1, part 1 of A Very Potter Musical (I recommend watching all of it if you have a free two hours):

How did that get in there?


I hope people will still talk to me after this.

Alternate title: I'm not writing this because you told me to, Katie.

I'm not sure if everyone is aware of this, but I love making ridiculous costumes. And then wearing them. In public. Because I have no dignity.

I'm sure everyone is aware of the fact that the last HP movie comes out this Friday (if you haven't: crawl out from under your rock).

I decided that I wished to do a bit of costume-making and -wearing in honor of the last movie. I will be going to the midnight showing, so I'm pretty sure that I won't be the only one. If I am, then I will be secure in the fact that I am having more fun than they are.


I decided that I wanted to do something a bit different than the usual cape and house badge, so I made myself some antlers out of an old headband and some pipe cleaners, then spray painted them silver.

The result was a bit more... colorful than I wanted them to be. I didn't really fancy spraying the bejeezus out of them (I don't have enough paint for that), so what was I to do?

Da da da DAAAH! Floral tape to the rescue! If I were handier with photoshop, I would add a cape onto those rolls. Then add some horns and a handlebar mustache to be twirled evilly. That tape is the most frustrating thing in the world to work with next to kittens that need to be pilled.

Post tape...

And post spray paint.

I thought I was done. I went about my day.

Later, as I was grabbing some boxes in the basement, I found a lion's head. A macrame lion's head. I couldn't make this shit up. So, I did what any sensible person would do. I pinned it to a goofy hat, dug out a cape, and made myself a few Gryffindor-related Quidditch pins. I'm going to try to cobble together some radish earrings tomorrow.

(Okay, so it looks kind of like a poodle in this picture. It looks better in person, and since I can't make it roar I was going to make a speech bubble for the lion that says "Roar." People will get it.)

So, here's the question: Prongs or Luna? I'm leaning toward Luna even though the hat is utterly ridiculous and heavy.